Wednesday, October 7, 2015

2015 - ACS Directory of Graduate Research (DGRweb) is not available

The ACS Committee on Professional Training is pleased to announce release of the 2015 edition of the ACS Directory of Graduate Research (DGRweb).

DGRweb is a free searchable, online database that provides the most comprehensive compilation of information on graduate study in the chemical sciences at universities in North America. DGRweb 2015 is available at

The Directory provides graduate-school-bound students in chemistry, chemical engineering, and related fields with information that will facilitate the selection of a graduate program appropriate to the student’s particular interests and talents. The Committee believes that the 2015 edition of the DGRweb will continue to be a valuable source of information for facilitating research collaborations in the chemical sciences and enabling networking across chemical subdisciplines. We hope that you will inform your undergraduates who are interested in pursuing graduate study and your faculty of the availability of the DGRweb 2015 website in your department. We also hope that it will remain a valuable asset to your program.

For the 2015 edition, the DGRweb offers the following.

·         Descriptions of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) that include links to department and faculty web pages

·         Enhanced searching capabilities including multiple selections of field values per search criteria

·         Ability to download statistical data into spreadsheets allowing users to compare selected characteristics of graduate programs

·         Printer friendly (PDFs) search results and downloadable statistical data

·         Access to the complete databases for 1999 through 2014


Thomas Jefferson University-College of Biomedical Sciences - Fall Info Sessions

Thomas Jefferson University-College of Biomedical Sciences-Fall Info Sessions

Fall Info Sessions for Thomas Jefferson University's programs in the Biomedical Sciences

Fall Information Sessions:

Please tell your students about the upcoming information sessions at Thomas Jefferson University. Students will learn  about the opportunities for graduate training in the biomedical sciences at the Jefferson College of Biomedical Sciences and have the chance to speak with faculty and representatives about various programs of study as well as the admission process.
For more information, click here.

Thomas Jefferson University offers programs in the following areas:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Marc E. Stearns
Director, Admissions & Recruitment
Jefferson College of Biomedical Sciences
Thomas Jefferson University
1020 Locust St., M46 Alumni Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-503-0155(t)  215-503-9920(f)


Thursday, October 1, 2015

The GREEN Program at NYC

 The GREEN Program is recruiting for 2016 Winter programs and we need your support in spreading the word to the emerging leaders in your classrooms.

Our team has been in NYC to assist in the conversation and launch of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (see below for the 17 SDG's).  We are dedicated to educating student leaders through our immersive programming abroad to drive their passion towards careers and initiatives that are advancing the SDG's over the next 15 years. World leaders have set the goals for the next 15 years, religious figures like Pope Francis have shown support, and now it is up to the young leaders in your classrooms to act.

I am more than happy to chat about our team, partnership network, mission, professional programs for you and other ways to get involved.

Thank you!
Brady & The GREEN Team

T. Brady Halligan
Director of Strategic Partnerships & Enrollment
215.796.7860 |


Education Abroad: Redefined, Reinvented

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Chemical Heritage Foundation

Chemical Heritage Foundation Library - Museum - Center for Scholars
First Friday: Where's My Hoverboard?
First Friday
October 2, 2015 | 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The movie Back to the Future Part II promised us all sorts of things--hoverboards, self-tying shoes, and trash compacters powered by nuclear fusion--but what is the movie's track record for making accurate predictions? 
Experts from the Monell Chemical Senses Center and the University of Pennsylvania's GRASP lab will join us this Friday to discuss the science of what is and is not possible from this iconic film.
Presentations will take place at 5:45 and 6:45 p.m., with ongoing activities in the museum throughout the evening.
Science at Play installation
Sneak peek
Opening October 2, 2015
Our museum team is hard at work installing Science at Play. Find some behind-the-scenes photos online, and stop by on Friday to be one of the first to experience this brand-new exhibition!

Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies

On September 29, 2015 at 12:21:41 PM, Ecosystem Field Studies ( wrote:


       Ecosystem Field Studies (EFS) is pleased to announce another session of Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies held over winter-break on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. This course (ENST 391) is approved for 3 undergraduate semester credits through the Environmental Studies Program of the University of Montana at Missoula and is open to undergraduate students in an ecosystem related department/major such as yours.  There is no set deadline as we accept qualified students on a rolling basis until the course fills.

      In this course, students learn basic concepts in ecosystem science and engage with a wide variety of hands-on field research methodswhile conducting an original field research project.  I am kindly requesting the attached pdf announcement be distributed via email and/or posted in your department. I have also attached a text announcement below if attachments are problematic. I sincerely appreciate your assistance in distributing this course announcement.

      I have sent this message to you based on information posted on your school/department website. You should be the only person from your department receiving this message and therefore if I have reached the incorrect person I respectfully ask you forward this message to the appropriate contact (or send me the correct email to update this list).
      If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding this course please feel free to contact me at or visit the course website at Should you choose to unsubscribe from future course announcements just reply with” unsubscribe” in the message body, and if possible, the reason.
     Thanks for making this rewarding field opportunity available to your students.

     Regards, Steve 

Steve Johnson

Director, Ecosystem Field Studies    303 859-0173


Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies

December 28, 2015 to January 16, 2016

* Study, snorkel & SCUBA dive along the Caribbean coast of Mexico *

* Gain valuable career skills in hands-on ecosystem field research *
* Earn 3 undergraduate transfer credits during winter break *

An opportunity to apply your classroom & textbook learning while
immersed in an incredible Caribbean ecosystem setting!

--  Open to students from all universities & majors --

--  Accredited by the University of Montana at Missoula’s Environmental Studies Program: 
ENST 391- Caribbean Ecosystem Field Studies for 3 undergraduate semester transfer credits.

For all course information visit:
Direct any further questions to Steve Johnson, Course Director at