Monday, February 20, 2012

University of Alabama - Summer Undergraduate Research

University of Alabama announces their 2012 SURP supported by the National Science Foundation for students (Preferably juniors, who will be seniors in the 2012-2013 academic year) who plan to attend graduate school in chemistry or a related field. Each student will receive a $5,150 stipend plus on-campus housing during this 10 week program May 28 to August 3, 2012. Deadline for application is February 28, 2012. If you need application forms or more information please contact: or go to our website:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Penn State University Summer Undergraduate Research

Penn State University, with funding from the NSF and the 3M Foundation, is offering summer undergraduate program this summer from May 24th - August 3rd, 2012. You must be a US citizen or a permanent resident, a rising junior or senior, and have a minum GPA of 3.0. Application Deadline is February 29, 2012. For more information and to apply, visit:

University of Southern California Summer Undergraduate Research

NSF sponsored Summer Undergraduate Research at University of Southern California. Stipend, housing, meals, student health insurance and travel costs are included. This is a ten-week program that runs from May 30th - August 4th, 2012. Open to sophomores or juniors who are US citizens or permanent residents. Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply. Fill out an application online by March 15, 2012.

Summer Employment Opportunities - Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth

Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth have job opportunities for this coming Summer. The positions are: teaching assistant, resident assistant, program assistant, general assistant, health assistant, instructor and various administrative positions. Dates are: Session 1 - June 21-July 14; Session 2 - July 14-August 4. For more information, go to: If you would like to contact them please email or call 410-735-6185.

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Faculy/Student Summer Research Program

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Chemistry announces a summer research experience for a faculty and student pair. They are seeking one pair (professor and undergraduate student) from a four year college. Summer stipends will be provided and it is anticipated that the collaboration will continue during the 2012/2013 academic year. The summer stipend for the professional member will be $6,000 per month for up to two full months of full-time commitment to the project. The student will receive $5,000 plus room and board for 10 weeks of commitment to the project. For more information, please visit: Application Deadline is March 16, 2012.

Villanova's Department of Chemistry's Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Each year, the Department of Chemistry offers undergraduate students opportunities to work on an independent research project with a faculty mentor. These are paid positions that are supported through faculty research grants or through other funds available through the Department. I encourage you to meet with Chemistry faculty to discuss research possibilities in their laboratories, both in the summer and during the school year. If you are curious about the research being done in the Department, several faculty will be describing their research at PDS on Tuesday, March 13, in Mendel 101. I also suggest speaking with your classmates and with our graduate students about the research they are doing. Applications for summer undergraduate research should be completed with a faculty mentor and returned to the Chemistry office by Friday, March 23, 2012; all faculty have an electronic copy of the form. Awards will be announced during the first week of April and the number of awards will depend on funding available. A limited number of room and board awards will be available as well.